Sunday, August 19, 2012

Economic Development

A recent set of meetings of the Marina Economic Development Commission (EDC), of which I am a member, has brought up a rather interesting discussion - one in which I think is important enough to continue through this election cycle.
As a Commission we heard a report from staff that outlined the restructuring of the Development Services Department into what will now become the Economic Development Department. We also heard about other changes that came or will continue as a result of the new City budget that was finally passed in July.
To make a long story a bit shorter, the EDC Commissioners asked a lot of questions and determined that the half funding of an Economic Development Manager and not hiring an Airport Manager was important enough to Marina’s economic future that we should ask the City Council to reconsider these positions. This was a unanimous vote by the four commissioners present. Our Chairperson volunteered to write a draft letter for the EDC’s review and approval at a special meeting scheduled for the following week.
At the Special Meeting called to review the letter, we found extreme opposition from members of the public to bringing this item back to the City Council for consideration. This opposition, led by our current Mayor, really missed the point. Their primary points were that we should wait on these decisions until we hire a new City Manager next year and that hiring these positions will do greater harm to our budget.
I have an issue with each of these points. One, the hiring of an Airport Manager comes from a separate Airport budget, not the general fund where we have the problem. Second, we are asking to consider adding full funding for the Economic Development Manager so we have the ability to accomplish the work already requested by the City Council. Each of these positions should pay for themselves over time.
Finally, waiting for up to a year for a new City Manager to decide on these positions puts Marina way behind the economic development curve. We have heard of many new projects proposed by Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside and Del Rey Oaks lately. We have our own areas that we wish to redevelop, that include our Downtown, and our Airport, as well as many infill projects around Marina that will need proper staff support to see them become a reality.
This is not a case of waiting for the economy to recover since projects take years to come together. If we wait we will miss the opportunities and try to start something at the inevitable down cycle that will come years from now. Now is the time to plan and do the work needed to facilitate these projects for Marina’s future economy and we need the staff to help make that happen.
The discussion should be encouraged and pursued as we look to Marina’s long term economic health and vitality.
More later…

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Imagine if you will, some 100 or so twelve and under boys, all thrown together in a big room after having spent the entire day traveling from around the country, with little food and no place to blow off steam. I can only imagine what you would be thinking, but I bet it’s nothing like what really happened.
This was the story this past Wednesday night as the City of Marina and Marina Pony Baseball hosted the teams in town for the Bronco World Series. These teams came from New York, Puerto Rico, Texas, Illinois, Mexico and others from California. The team from Taipei would not arrive until 3 or 4 in the morning. This was their chance to meet each other and they did just that. Getting up to welcome a new team as they arrived, shaking hands and trading pins. There were no politics, no arguments, no judging - just a feeling of excitement and friendship.
Did you know that Marina has hosted this welcome banquet for the Bronco teams for the past five years? Did you also know that these teams all stay in Marina while they compete in Monterey? It’s just another case of our Marina citizens and City Recreation staff working to benefit others, and boy do they work. Putting on this event and housing the teams here requires hours of logistical planning, cooking, practice field prep, transportation coordination, and most importantly- volunteers.
I had the opportunity to help a bit this year and what an experience it was. To see the wonder and excitement in the eyes of all these kids, the coaches and parents grateful for a break after a long day and the work of our Marina volunteers making it as flawless as possible for all involved. This is the Marina that I know, the community that comes together for the good of others.
Perhaps it’s our diversity, perhaps it’s our military heritage or perhaps it’s a bit of everything that makes our community just a little more special than most. We have a history of helping ourselves as a community, from building a new community funded Library to volunteering for events like this one. We have a tendency to give of ourselves. The hours of public service put in by volunteers for our youth sports, our schools, our churches, our service and community organizations are all what makes Marina such a special place.
More later