Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Real Marina

I spend a lot of time talking about Marina’s politics but there is another side to Marina. I’ll call it the real Marina. It’s the Marina that we all know about but sometimes forget.

Tonight, Dorothy and I went to the Mayor’s reception for the Bronco World Series Teams. This is where all the participating teams get together for the first time, have pictures taken and have a meal together. I am going to bet that many of you don’t realize that all the Bronco World Series teams stay in Marina for the duration of the games. I bet you also did not know that there is a dedicated group of Marina residents that help make all this possible. There is no fanfare, no big write ups in the papers just the knowledge that they are helping to provide an experience that these kids may never have again. An experience they will never forget.  It does not matter if they are from Florida or Taipei, they are all welcome in Marina. This is the real Marina!
From the Bronco reception we went to sent off our City of Marina Skate Team. They left tonight for an adventure of their own, the National Skate Board Championships in San Diego. Here is a group of young men representing their City, our City, at a national competition, and as two time California State Champions they could do quite well this weekend. They will have the support of their parents and our Recreation Director (Terry Seigrist) and an entire community here at home. Many that gave money to help make this adventure possible. This is the real Marina!
So the next time we all get caught up in the day to day events and the politics of the day, let’s not forget what our City is really about. Marina has always been about its citizens, let’s never forget that part. Let’s never forget the real Marina!
More later

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