Sunday, September 16, 2012

Revenues and more

There has been lots of discussion about new revenues to help our City budget since our community voted for Measures M & N. Part of that discussion has been the lack of new revenues provided by the City since that vote in 2008.
That brings us to last week when our City Council approved a FORA measure that will guarantee at least a 10% share of the property taxes from new development on Ft. Ord. The curious part of the vote was that Mayor Delgado was the lone vote against it. The staff report says that it will provide a minimum of $150,000 annually to our City’s general fund. These are funds that can be used to hire additional fire personnel, to repair and pave our streets or to help market our City to new businesses that can bring jobs to Marina. So it’s a simple question to ask the Mayor: why did you vote against new revenues for Marina?
Perhaps this is another case where credit can be taken but where the actions say something different. Like speaking out against the Wellness Center while it was being planned but taking credit for it now. Or like the movie theatre, where the Mayor voted against the extension to the master agreement that made it possible but wants the credit for it coming soon. We all want to see an open discussion on the issues. Let’s make sure it’s an honest one too.
It’s been just over a week since we could all put up signs in support of our candidates. One thing is certain; we will have no lack of signs around town for the next couple of months. I firmly believe that signs are a way of expressing one’s first amendment right of free speech. What we do not want to hear is that people are taking away that right by removing, damaging or intimidating peoples’ rights to choose the candidate of their choice. Let’s all agree to treat everyone as we wish to be treated.
Finally, I hope you had a chance to watch the recent debates. They were full of detail and discussions on the issues that affect Marina. If you did not get a chance to watch them we have put the entire Mayor’s debate and the Council debate on my website for you to see. Simply go to and click on the box on the front page. This is the complete unedited version so everyone can watch and decide: who would you like to see lead the city for the next two years?
More later….

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