Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 4th of July

It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the 4th of July. What a busy year it has been!
For many, it will be a four day weekend so the usual cautions and words of advice always apply. Use only safe and sane fireworks, use plenty of sunscreen, keep an eye on all the kids and have fun!
That said, it is a time to rejoice in the freedoms that we enjoy as citizens of this wonderful Country. Now, especially with so many issues on the table that seem to be divisive we need to remember and celebrate our right to freedom of speech. Yes I know you may not agree with what someone is saying but they have a right to say it, no matter how offensive it is to you. This is something you cannot control. What you can control is the way you react to it. Rather than condemn or ridicule, acknowledge their point of view and respectfully disagree or simply walk away. Not everything needs to be a confrontation; we have enough of those events in our daily lives.
Unfortunately, one of things that we cannot celebrate is the use of common sense. There are so many things in this world that are counter to us that we don’t know where to start. This being the 4th of July, we will see all sorts of videos of people doing things without using their own common sense. People will get hurt, others will laugh at the stupidity but no one seems to want to step in and offer some sage advice and common sense. That also goes for everyday situations as well as the overall state of government and politics worldwide.
It seems to me that a few able bodied and intelligent people can find things that they agree on, that they can compromise on and continue to talk about the things they disagree on. It can be done without name calling, back stabbing or threats of retaliation for actions only imagined. This includes the need to be done without a nod to any special interest but rather for the common good of the majority, regardless of the issue or situation.
Of course all of this does tie together. Celebrate your right to express yourself this weekend AND use your own common sense. Discuss those things that hinder moving forward AND re-learn the word compromise. After all, isn’t it the freedom of expression that we celebrate on the 4th of July?
More later…

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