Saturday, June 11, 2011

And so it begins!

With the many events that have happened this week that directly effect the future of the City of Marina I have decided to start a blog called Marina Matters. Over the course of time I will reflect on the issues of the day and the things that I feel are important.
You may agree or disagree with my thoughts, that is your right after all, but please remember they are my thoughts at the time. The funny thing about thoughts, sometimes they evolve with time and more information others are right on from the beginning. If you would like to respond to my posts please feel free to do so. I will listen to those that are honest and thoughtful, I will block those that vengeful, hate filled or otherwise completely obnoxious (as is my right on my blog).
It is time for an open dialog about what we think about Marina and the things that need to be changed. I hope that this blog will at least be cause for the honest, open discussion that our Community deserves.
More soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love the catch phrase Steve! So much better than, "It's happening in Soledad"...
