Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our City Budget

Marina dodged a bullet this week when the City Council backed off what initially looked like draconian budget cuts. I think a lot had to do with the public’s outcry and at least one very heated City Council meeting. Now this is not to say we have solved much of anything but there are indications the public’s voice was heard.
The cuts were mostly in line with the department’s plans, as with the Police department. Others, while not optimal, will not directly affect our core services. The recreation department was trimmed slightly but they will still deliver the top quality programs needed for our youth and seniors.
This clears the way for the budget to be passed on Tuesday night and to be in line with the Councils legal responsibility to deliver a budget by the end of June.
What’s next? Well it is clear that the Mayor wanted a two stage process. One, just being completed to pass the budget and deliver some budget cuts. The second will be the most dangerous. Here is where several of the harder personnel issues were deferred to. The Mayor wants to revisit cuts to the police department, fire department and recreation in the months ahead. We must all be vigilant and not allow this to happen.
What the real next step needs to be is a look at new revenue and this is where the Council took the most heat this past week. Their focus was on the cuts and not the revenue side of the balance sheet. After turning down the Cypress Knolls development, then looking to annex more to the City, then cutting budgets the public finally said enough. Go back and look at the revenue side of the equation.
Here there is some potential for Council unity. Perhaps a new look at Cypress Knolls and other potential development deals either in the works or planned. The City could sell Preston Park and determine our own destiny for years to come. I would suggest a look at how the City does business from top to bottom; this includes the permit process, regulations and more. There are many options beyond cutting budgets and staff so the public must stay aware in the months ahead.
For my part, I will do what I can to keep you informed.
More later

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