Monday, August 5, 2013


California is truly becoming a scary place. Our region is certainly reflective of that thought as we are seeing a tremendous spike in violent crime from Santa Cruz to Seaside and especially in Salinas. Unfortunately, we have seen this before and it’s not pretty. Many innocent people get caught up as peripheral damage to gang wars and needless assaults and violence.
Just in the last week we have seen a running gun battle through the streets of Santa Cruz as two cars shot at each other resulting in at least one death. We saw a security guard at a 99 cent store stabbed to death when he did not have a key to a safe in Salinas. We had a drive-by shooting in Seaside that resulted in another death. We have seen multiple attacks, shootings and even some that seem to target our police that have resulted in multiple deaths. That’s all this past week.
Yes, violence seems to step up over the summer as if that is an excuse. People, wake up! We have a serious problem here and it needs to be addressed in each of our communities now!
We have a State and Federal economy that has produced fewer and fewer jobs, especially for our youth.  We have a Governor that is releasing career criminals back into our communities to address overcrowded prisons. We have a State legislature that has refused to address this issue for at least a generation. We have an education system that has failed our students no matter how much money we seem to throw at it. As a result many of the people and companies that can hire and help with the situation are simply leaving the State due to taxes and regulations, and yes, crime.
In Marina, we have held our own against this tidal wave of violence that is surrounding us by trying to maintain a strong Recreational program despite a City budget that’s working against it. We have a great police force that is working harder and harder to protect our community with great success but with dwindling resources. This combination has worked well to date but we cannot assume anything in the future.
We are in a battle for the minds of our youth and we all need to do what we can to work with them, to help provide safe places to grow up, to educate them and help provide jobs where possible. We need mentors to stand up and show them that there is another way, that with desire and education they can still succeed in their world despite the pressure and temptations.
Here is a plea to all that care about the future of our community. Do what you can; no matter how small a role you can play. Donate money to a cause that supports education and/or recreational activities. Volunteer your time to help an organization that works with our local students, no matter the age group. Truly listen to what our politicians and activist are saying. Tell them to stop with the excuses and do what is right not for our society, not their next election.
Things will not change overnight. We know that, but they won’t change at all without your help!
More later

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