Monday, September 2, 2013

More random thoughts...

Its Labor Day weekend as I write this version of Marina Matters, the official end of summer, so I thought I would catch up on some random thoughts this week.
You tell your kids not to do something bad or they will be in trouble. Even they know to anticipate the negative consequences of their actions if they do it anyway. You don’t come back and say in three weeks I am going to take away your toys for a day as a result of disobeying me. Our President has simply lost whatever credibility he had over the Syrian issue. It’s a position he never should have put himself or the Country into.
Interesting reactions to my last column about the City’s proposed card room tax. Of those that have reacted, it seems to be running about two to one in agreement with my position. The argument from those that disagree with me seems to be that they understand my position (and many agree) but the City needs the money now so we have to approve it. Again, I would rather lose the revenue from the Card Room Tax and make sure that M & N have a reasonable chance of re-approval in the future. As it stands right now, the voters will simply not reapprove M & N next year. Our City Council must get a wakeup call now and this is the only way we can get their attention.
As the calendar moves from August to September the boys of summer are closing on the playoffs. It seems clear that the Giants will not make it this year but the A’s are right in the middle of it all. Let’s hope they can keep up the momentum and represent our region well. Our area can certainly support two baseball teams so it’s not too late to get on board and support the A’s into the playoffs!
Of course, September really means that football is back! The college teams started this weekend and the pros start on Thursday night. The 49’ers are anticipating a run for the Super Bowl and the Raider’s… well the best thing for them (or us) is that most games will be blacked out. Of course, as a Chicago Bear and Denver Bronco fan, I know the ups and downs of the game. A true fan will stand by their team regardless… so here’s to Da’ Bears and the Bronco’s this year!
Finally, I will write my next column in support of Measure K (Keep the Promise) and against Measure M on our November ballot. The implications of these measures for the future of our entire region are huge and I want to devote a lengthy column to explain why. It is important to hear all the facts, not the made up arguments of a few with their own agenda. More on that next time!
More later...


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