Friday, May 16, 2014


The June primary is just around the corner so it’s a good time to share some thoughts.
For those that have followed this column over the years I am sure it is no surprise that I identify myself as a Republican. Yes, I know just more than half of you just freaked out and jumped to all sorts of conclusion by that simple statement. My guess is that if you and I sat down for 10 minutes we would agree on some eighty percent of the issues that confront us today. Of the remaining 20 percent, we would likely agree on the issues but have differing opinions as to the solutions.
 I would say that I consider myself a fiscal conservative and more of a social libertarian. Frankly, I could care less whom you sleep with, who you love or what you do to yourself - those are the choices that you make, not me. I believe in a right and wrong and that people need to take responsibility for their own actions. There are just things in this world that are really that simple.
Now that I have said all that here is another simple statement… California is a mess and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. This State has been ruled by one party for far too long. What we need is a balance, members from both parties working together for the good of the people not their own good. How many Sacramento politicians do we need to see indicted before we wake up? How many more budget tricks does it take to get re-elected? How soon, before we as a State pass the point of no return?
We do not need to legislate the amount of sugar in your drink, we need to address the structure of our Government. We need to consolidate departments and agencies and simply eliminate tons of redundant panels and commissions. We need to address out of control social programs that need to be adjusted, not eliminated. We need real jobs from energy, manufacturing and trade not some grand cap and trade experiment that is already failing.
That brings me to this June’s primary. I have had the opportunity to meet several of the candidates in person. I have asked questions and heard them speak before several groups. As a result I have my recommendations for you to consider. First, for Controller is the former Mayor of Fresno Ashley Swearengin. She has been endorsed around the State by newspapers and editorial boards of both parties including the Los Angeles Times. Next would be Secretary of State Pete Peterson. He has also gained the support of businesses, newspapers and editorial boards of both parties. He has a real plan to make Sacramento friendlier to business to help get our economy working again. Of all the candidates running, these two individuals can really make a difference in how our State is run and start to make the changes necessary to get California moving in the right direction.
In the Lt. Governors position, Gavin Newsome is likely a lock and that is disappointing. He needs to be challenged at every step to defend his positions. Ron Nehring will do so but he will likely not get a lot of traction unless Newsome really steps into something which he has the potential to do. I have met and talked to Ron, he is a very serious candidate but you will likely hear little about him in the weeks ahead.
Finally, realistically the two candidates that are battling in the Republican primary don’t stand much of a chance against the Brown machine.  I have had the opportunity to meet and listen to both candidates.  The one who should debate Brown would be Neel Kashkari but his chances seem slim at this point even with some very high profile endorsements. The other candidate Tim Donnelly is nowhere near qualified and that might well be an understatement. If Donnelly does indeed become the Party’s nominee he will likely hurt the qualified down ticket candidates I mentioned earlier.
It is time for the citizens of California to look beyond the party affiliation and truly look at the candidates. Take the time to understand their philosophies and ask what they would do to change California in a bipartisan manner. Anyway, those are my thoughts, what are yours?
More later….

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